Development of the industry in imperial Russia in the first
Half XIX century urgently demanded improvement existing and the organizations
New transport communications(connections). Necessity of creation of railways was obvious.
And still construction of them persistently restrained. Representatives grown decrepit
Serf system on which the imperial government leaned(based), were afraid,
That railways, promoting development of capitalist attitudes(relations), will shake
Bases of an old regime, and, probably, will result and in change political
Authorities in feudal Russia.
Feudal lords - landlords were supported by those who in railways
Saw the strong contender. It - large извозопромышленники and
The shipowners taking huge arrived from the Russian impassability and
Incredibly severe operation of moving men, loaders, barge haulers.
the Imperial government, reflecting first of all interests of landowners - landlords,
It was easily reconciled with wretchedness of transport system in the country. It a little
Has changed the attitude(relation) to iron roads only after defeat in Crimean
To war which once again has shown banefulness for Russia its(her) century
Backwardness. Therefore the first railways in Russia were under construction the main thing
In the image from strategic reasons.
the Big interest of the public has caused published in 1838
To year in magazine " Son of fatherland " A.Pravdina's clause(article) " About iron and face
Roads of Russia " [1]. In it(her) the author proved necessity of continuation of construction
The begun line of St. Petersburg - Moscow in a direction of Serpukhov, Tula, Kharkiv
And further to Black sea. Year after in A.Safonovym's same magazine was published
The project of a network of the railways, including alongside with others of a direction: Tambov
- Voronezh - Kharkiv; Moscow - Tula - Kharkiv [2].
the Known Russian engineer of item. Item. Millers in 1844 has offered
The civil-engineering design so-called " prime railways " general(common)
In the extent five or six thousand kilometers to which it was referred
And a line Moscow - Kharkiv - Sevastopol [3]. This project was authorized only
After years. After long altercations has met with approval and the project of a construction
The Kharkiv - Sevastopol line, and also a number(line) of other directions of the future Southern
Highways. In development of railway construction of Russia was two periods
Enormous rise: the end 60 (and the beginning 70) years and second half
90th years. With 1865 on 1875 an average annual gain Russian railway
Networks made 1,5 thousand kilometers, and with 1893 on 1897 - about(near) 2,5 thousand.
Kilometers [4].
the History of occurrence of Southern road is closely connected to construction
The first in Ukraine a railway line Odessa - Балта. Right after her(it)
Constructions have arisen disputes on in what direction to continue this line.
One offered to Kiev, others - to Kharkiv. In 60th years of the last century
Kharkiv already was the large centre of the industry of the south of Russia. Important
The role in it has played his(its) affinity to Donbas and Криворожью. Alongside with деревообрабатывающей,
Tobacco, chemical, суконно-woolen, confectionery, пивоваренной entered
In build the enterprises metalcutting and a machine engineering industry.
More than 80 days in one year proceeded fairs - крещенская, троицкая,
успенская, окровская, St. Petersburg widely known among the trading world,
Moscow, Baltics, Suzdal, Tula, Kiev, Crimea, Приазовья, large приволжских
Cities, Poland, Moldova and even Turkey. From different directions carried the goods. Kharkiv
Required an output(exit) to the sea. And as from all seaports of that time
The most advanced and brisk was Одеса, necessity of connection
Her(it) with Moscow became obvious.
Kiev was of great importance as shopping center, had set
The enterprises food and light industry. It(he) was large river port,
And also important agricultural area. Thus, realization
The railway through Kiev which would connect it(him) with Moscow and port Odessa,
Too was rather expedient. That is why discussion about a choice of a direction
Has accepted such sharp character.
So, in 1864 the decision on construction of a line was accepted
Odessa - Балта. The state treasury has allocated the capital at the rate of 45 thousand
Roubles on verst. 9000 soldier and prisoners of civil department were
Are driven to a place of work. Construction went on those times rather quickly,
And already start-up by the first on Ukraines roads(are dear, expensive) Odessas December, 5, 1865 was held
- Балта. Soon the imperial government has made the decision: the roads begun
From Moscow up to Serpukhov and some other to build means of treasury. With
The parties(sides) of Serpukhov the line has gone to Tula, Orel, Kursk and Kharkiv, and from Балты
- To Kremenchug and Kharkiv.
faster to connect Kursk to Taganrog through Donetsk pool,
Ministry of Railways has decided to give out the certificate on concession Kharkiv
To zemstvo. Tenders were declared. The least cost of works has declared With. With.
Poles. In 1863 the concession on construction also was submitted to it(him)
Lines Kursk - Kharkiv - Taganrog - Rostov. According to the contract the contractor
Undertook to buy for construction only Russian rails, and mobile
Structure at factories which to it(him) will be specified. Simultaneously the government
Has given Полякову the loan at a rate of 9 million roubles.
Yellowed pages of " the Moscow sheets " tell about session
The Kharkiv municipal duma where the question on a choice of a place for the first time was discussed
The future railway station and station. Duma has come to a conclusion, that a place
" близ Cold Mountain... The most favourable and convenient. This district is close to
To city centre... It is not required any costs on the adaptation of ways
To this district as she(it) adjoins to going already highway to the centre ai?iaa" [5].
the First train has arrived to Kharkiv July, 6, 1869.
Lingering hooter has broken off morning silence and an echo far has responded
On Cold Mountain. At station the set of people has gathered. The most courageous
Have expressed desire to sweep on "чугунке" - so in people referred to then
Railways. Cars in a trice were filled with passengers. A steam locomotive, hissing and
Puffing, it was set from a place, carrying away for itself passenger structure from nine
Cars. So movement of trains on a site Kursk - Kharkiv began. By the end
1869 the line Kharkiv - Rostov was completed also.
In Kharkiv for repair of a rolling stock were constructed locomotive
And carload workshops, primitive devices for supply of locomotives
Coal and water.
To this time construction of road from Балты came to an end
Up to Kremenchug. Works were conducted simultaneously on all sites. Were constructed
Railway bridges through the rivers Kolomak, Тагамлык, Ворскла, Псел. Were under construction
Stations, travelling boxes. On water meadows of left coast Ворсклы it was filled
Earthen cloth.